The Hate
Wow, it's been over 7 months since I last posted something, and it feels like forever...
This years hasn't been good, to be honest. For me and my family it's been a really bad year so far. However, we still stand. And we keep moving forward. Cause even when things go bad, you have to keep going. Life will never wait for you, and the world will keep spinning, whether you like it or not. So, if you stay still, things will get worse. If you evolve and learn to deal with things, eventually you'll catch up, and though in the meantime you'll have terrible loses, at least you'll look at the future with hope.
But today, I want to talk about something I've been noticing more and more over the years. In many countries, divisive figures have arisen, and what used to be happening only in specific parts of the world, has become more and more normal.
Many people believe that 100% of the people who emigrate from their countries (where there are no civil wars or dictatorships), they do it because of economical reasons. In my case, my family decided to leave mainly because of the level of aggressiveness in the people, because everything seemed to be a reason for an argument, even among loved ones. And the worst part is how everyone justifies it by saying: we are just exchanging ideas, and this is not a fight, but just a talk.
Well, I come from a country where if you go to many people's social networks people describe themselves as "soldiers of Peron" or "soldiers of this or that one", or simply as followers of political parties or political figures. Many social network's bios are like that. People are passionate, yes, but not passionate about their families, or friends, or hobbies, but passionate of a side that tries to subjugate the other one.
It doesn't matter if it's a team they root for, or a political party, the other is always the enemy. And in name of their side they hurt others. Everything is allowed.
It's been like that since I was a kid, but over the years, because the many governments failed the people, then many looked for something that makes them feel like they belong, and maybe in that they can have a victory. It used to be belonging to a religion, like the Church, and go on crusades to evangelize (and kill, and rob and rape in the name of that), and now the crusade is to erase the other side (of whatever side you are at) from this world.
And of course, this is not something happening only in my country of origin. Many are seeing this in USA, or in Europe, or in many other places. People don't just believe in something and vote accordingly, or go to a stadium to support their team. They need to find an enemy. They need to evangelize the enemy, and if they can't, they need to destroy it, mentally or physically.
There are awful things happening in this world. Segregation in all of its forms, abuse, killings...
However, at one point it looks like those who use to have that civilized limit feel like the only way to stop this madness is by crossing that line and do whatever it's necessary to bring everyone to our side.
Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way. Once we cross that line, there is no way back. Because we are setting an example. Because instead of being nice to others, and try to help, we feel like we have a chance to fail (and we can fail indeed), so we think we should use the force to avoid failure.
I know that many of us have issues with frustration. That we can't handle it very well. But there is no Silver Bullet to solve problems. And it's even worse when we are dealing with human nature. But one thing we have seen in history is that blood brings more blood. That eye for an eye and the world goes blind.
Please, think before acting.
And before finishing, I will make use of my nerdy side, and as a wise, green, pointy ears' character once said:
"Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering"
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