Brothers from different parents

Today I'm writing my saddest post as it's one of my saddest days in life. And I've had my fair share of sad days along with a bunch of happy ones.

You were there for me in a lot of my darkest moments. And you were there for me in the happy ones as well. However, I wasn't there for you today when you decided to leave us. I missed you for 13 days, 13!, and now I have to miss you for the rest of my life.

Don't even know where to begin....

I love you in maybe the purest form there is for love. The way we love few people in life. You were always there. You walked with me through some difficult moments, kissed me when I needed it and gave me always nothing but your best.

I know that wherever you are, you're doing well. You suffered some awful pains since you were born, but you lived a happy life with a family that loved you, and that will always love you, and that right now is mourning you. You were one of the brightest beings I've ever met, and I'll miss you. And I'm sorry. Wherever you are, please forgive me for not being there for you this time.

Love you, my brother. Always will....


  1. Fuerza Pablo! y no te das una idea como te entiendo!! Un abrazo grande!!!

  2. I'm so sorry for your lost. I had been in that situation and this was so hard. Take care. Now he is in dogs heaven.

  3. Horacio José ListingartFebruary 14, 2019 at 12:16 PM

    Recién acabo de leer este comentario que comparto y discrepo en algo. No han sido hijos de distintos padres....
    Algún día volveré a salir a caminar con el...
    Un beso, Pablín, nosotros también lo extrañamos....


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