I never write about this kind of stuff, as it is my personal opinion, but thought it was about time to share my views about equality.
Today is international women's day 2018. It's a day to celebrate women's achievements throughout history and across nations.
I love to have this kind of dates, but I think we should celebrate achievement every day of our lives. We should be a society proud of every good thing each and every one of us do.
Don't get me wrong, every celebration is good. But we should start thinking equality in a more general way. Equality starts with education. With the understanding that all of us are equal. With providing the same opportunities to everyone. With the respect for everyone's rights.
Doesn't matter gender, race, sexual orientation, nationality, religion, or anything. We are all people. And as such, we have to have at least that first chance to develop ourselves and to serve a higher purpose. We have to value human rights, and have access to cover basic needs, while looking to improve our lives in a healthy way.
Very often I receive the question: do you work at ComIT to bring more women to STEM careers? And my answer is "yes", the same way we work to include everyone who needs it. We don't do anything special to attract women, though we have between 30% and 55% women participation in our courses, when the academia average goes between 10% and 15%. Why does this happen? Because we try to provide a safe space, where all students are treated as equals. Even equals to the teachers. Nobody is better or more than the rest. That's how you build a community.
Should we provide "women only" courses? I don't know. But why women and not "men only" courses? Why not "people between 25 and 26 years old only" courses?
Should there be "women only" companies to promote equality? Isn't it the whole point of equality to provide equal opportunities? So why should we do it through segregation instead of integration?
My personal belief is that we should educate. And work hard to eradicate our prejudices. It's not something easy to do, but humanity has come a long way in the right direction.
Happy International Women's Day, and happy day of celebration of everyone's achievements.
Today is international women's day 2018. It's a day to celebrate women's achievements throughout history and across nations.
I love to have this kind of dates, but I think we should celebrate achievement every day of our lives. We should be a society proud of every good thing each and every one of us do.
Don't get me wrong, every celebration is good. But we should start thinking equality in a more general way. Equality starts with education. With the understanding that all of us are equal. With providing the same opportunities to everyone. With the respect for everyone's rights.
Doesn't matter gender, race, sexual orientation, nationality, religion, or anything. We are all people. And as such, we have to have at least that first chance to develop ourselves and to serve a higher purpose. We have to value human rights, and have access to cover basic needs, while looking to improve our lives in a healthy way.
Very often I receive the question: do you work at ComIT to bring more women to STEM careers? And my answer is "yes", the same way we work to include everyone who needs it. We don't do anything special to attract women, though we have between 30% and 55% women participation in our courses, when the academia average goes between 10% and 15%. Why does this happen? Because we try to provide a safe space, where all students are treated as equals. Even equals to the teachers. Nobody is better or more than the rest. That's how you build a community.
Should we provide "women only" courses? I don't know. But why women and not "men only" courses? Why not "people between 25 and 26 years old only" courses?
Should there be "women only" companies to promote equality? Isn't it the whole point of equality to provide equal opportunities? So why should we do it through segregation instead of integration?
My personal belief is that we should educate. And work hard to eradicate our prejudices. It's not something easy to do, but humanity has come a long way in the right direction.
Happy International Women's Day, and happy day of celebration of everyone's achievements.
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